Whatever happened to good ol' basic humility? I've noticed that there is ambition to be "known" by worship leaders in the church culture. I see very talented worship leaders time and again give little to no value to humility - something so vital to their protection. It is the buffer to pride which leads to various pitfalls. It can be the source undying respect and loyalty to those serving under you. Like the general who leads the charge - men will bend over backwards for leaders who operate in humility. We all want a little recognition. We just need to remember who's recognition is most important. Man's or God's.
Then again, I wonder if I were able to play and sing at an extremely high level, would I be humble? I'd like to think so. I do think so - unless maybe everyone around me was always telling me how awesome I was. I mean, they would just be confirming what I already knew - that God gave me this gift and who am I to act like it doesn't exist, right? He didn't make me this talented for no reason - to hide it away and bury it. Talent like this can't be learned or taught - it is God given so of course people are going to recognize it. Mmmmm, this koolaid tastes pretty good.